viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010


A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas of the curriculum. The collection must include the following:

//Student participation in selecting contents.
//Criteria for selection.
//Criteria for judging merits.
//Evidence of a student's self-reflection.

It should represent a collection of students' best work or best efforts, student-selected samples of work experiences related to outcomes being assessed, and documents according growth and development toward mastering identified outcomes.

In this new era of performance assessment related to the monitoring of students' mastery of a core curriculum, portfolios can enhance the assessment process by revealing a range of skills and understandings one students' parts; support instructional goals; reflect change and growth over a period of time; encourage student, teacher, and parent reflection; and provide for continuity in education from one year to the next. Instructors can use them for a variety of specific purposes, including:
  • Encouraging self-directed learning.
  • Enlarging the view of what is learned.
  • Fostering learning about learning.
  • Demonstrating progress toward identified outcomes.
  • Creating an intersection for instruction and assessment.
  • Providing a way for students to value themselves as learners.
  • Offering opportunities for peer-supported growth.

What are the characteristics of an effective portfolio?


A distribution list, is a collection of email addresses that allows you to email multiple people at one time. A distribution list can contain a few addresses, or many.
All email systems at Indiana University provide ways to create, manage, and send to distribution lists, but the available commands, options, and capacities will vary on each system.

Distribution List in Outlook

 In Outlook, such lists are  called "distribution list". Using such a distribution list, you can then send an email to a group of people easily. But first, let's find out how to set up a mailing list in Outlook — easily.

Set Up a Distribution List in Outlook

To set up a mailing list in Outlook:
*Select File | New | Distribution List from the menu.
*Alternatively, hit Ctrl-Shift-L (think list).
*Type the desired name under Name:.
*The list name is what you will use to address messages to the list.
*Now, you can add new members immediately using the Add New... and Select Members... buttons.
*Click Save and Close.

Mail Your List from Outlook

With your distribution list in place and ready, you can start sending messages to its members.

Categories as Distribution Lists

If you find Outlook's distribution lists a bit unstable, arcane and separated from your main list of contacts, you can use contact categories to form elegant mailing lists.

For more Information:

-How to Send a Message to a Distribution List in Outlook
-How to Add Members to a Distribution List in Outlook
-How to Use Contact Categories as Distribution Lists in Outlook
-How do I send mail to group of people?

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

*** BLOGGER ***

Is a blog publishing service that allows private or multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. Generally, the blogs are hosted by google at subdomains of Blogger allowed users to publish blogs on other hosts, via ftp. All such blogs had (or still have) to be moved to Google's own servers, with domains other than allowed via Custom URLs.

Blogs are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order.

Most blogs are interactive, allowing visitors to leave comments and even message each other via widgets on the blogs and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites.


1) The first thing that you're going to have to do is to choose the blog software that you plan on using. If you are going to have your own domain name, I would recommend using a blog platform such as WordPress, as it is supported by a free community and is one of the easier ones to use. If you do not plan on having your own server, you can still use one of the free platforms that are available to create a blog website for free. These would be at locations such as, or even

2)The next thing that you're going to have to do is to set your blog up so that it is ready for you to use. Although it certainly is possible for you to create a blog website and use the default theme, most people like to dress it up in some way or another. This is especially the case if you plan on using the blog in order to make some money. Having a good theme that will make you look professional and easy to insert advertising is important so that you can begin blogging rather quickly. Most of these themes are simple to upload and it is a matter of simply clicking a button in the administration panel to change it.

3) Another thing that is really necessary for you to do when you create a blog website is obviously to begin writing information and blogging it. For a personal blog, you can pretty much talk about anything that you like. However,if you are trying to make money from a blog then you you should have you blog focused on one specific niche. In this way you keep your repeat visitors interested. The most important thing is that you get the blog software up and running and begin posting. From that point forward, it is all rinse and repeat.

               create a free blog in 4 easy steps

 The Story of Blogger,


You can share photos or information using your mail and transfering it to your web page in facebook. Well, you need a mail acount to have a facebook page. It's one of the requirements to get it. First, you have to create a mail account using hotmail or yahoo.

Creating a Hotmail Account
Select your topic:
Decide if you want to build your series around a certain topic or an audience.
Step 2: Find content to share:Once you have decided on your topic, find all of the content you have on
the subject.
 Step 3: Structure the order of the content to tell a story: Now that you have all of your potential content in one place, organize it in a way that tells a story.
Step 4: Figure out what action(s) you want the reader to take.
At the end of the series, you want to have a call to action; what step do you want the reader to take once they have read your emails?
 Step 5: Decide on the timing of the emails:
How often do you want your emails to be delivered? I’ve subscribed to email series that have delivered content every day, every few days or every week.
Step 6: Tie the content together:
You don’t want to simply deliver articles one after the other: you want the story you are telling to be evident.
 Step 7: Decide if you want the content to be online or in email only:


In order to follow this, we need to create also a facebook account..


After Facebook expanded its translation into other languages besides English, not only grew in number of users, but has transformed the way people use the internet.
The trend is to build services delegating social network Facebook from games to financial loans, through purchases, there are those who are building the web on this platform

}I’ve subscribed to a number of email series, and they have been delivered in multiple ways:
}Email only
}Emails that point to PDFs
}Emails that point to web pages. 
Step 8: Consider adding a “buzz piece” to encourage registration:
Considering this from the other end of the spectrum, when you have a white paper, eBook or other content that needs a call to action, you can develop an email series that will take readers through the next steps.
Step 9: Create a dedicated landing page:
If you want your readers to share information from your email series, you can certainly ask them to forward your emails, but I prefer asking them to send those who are interested to your registration page so everyone is starting from the same place.


lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

** Hi5 **

You can show information such as interests, age and hometown and upload pictures where your friends can post comments. Hi5 also allows you to create personal photo albums, play online games, and set up a music player in the profile, also send friend requests via e-mail to other users, in your profile or your friends profile you can comment anything you want to say and to share with others.

Hi5 is a social networking website targeted at a general audience. It became one of the most popular social networks through a huge growth spurt during 2007 with much of that popularity coming from Central America. While it is often found in the top 10 most visited websites in the world, it often fails to make the top 50 in the U.S.

The site gets its name because members can choose to give their friends a high-five. Fives are a way to describe your relationship with your friend. You can give out warrior fives, crush fives, teammate fives, swank fives, and many more.

Hi5 is a great social network for those in Central America or who have friends or family in Central America. Because it is not as popular in the United States, others might not find as many friends on the network. But, if you know people on Hi5, it is a fine social network to join.

  • Create your own custom profile
  • Add Friends, leave comments on their profiles and give them high-fives.
  • Join groups and enter discussions
      Register in Hi5!!!.

    ** Twitter **

    Twitter has many uses for both personal and business use, it's a great way to keep in touch with your friends and quickly share information about where you are and what you're up to every day. You can write short updates called "Tweets" of 140 characters or fewer, these messages are posted in your profile, also you can search for people by name or user name, import friends from other networks, or invite friends via email.

     Is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read other users' messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default, however senders can restrict message delivery to their friends list. Users may subscribe to other author tweets—this is known as following and subscribers are known as followers. As of late 2009, users can follow lists of authors instead of just following individual authors.

    Micro-blogging is defined as a quick update usually containing a very limited number of characters. It is a popular features of social networks where you can update your status, but it has become best known because of Twitter.
    In essence, micro-blogging is for people who want a blog but don't want to blog. A personal blog can keep people informed on what is going on in your life, but not everyone wants to spend an hour crafting a beautiful post about the vibrant colors seen on a butterfly spotted in the front time. Sometimes, you just want to say "went shopping for a new car but didn't find anything"
     It's a great place for keeping people informed on what you are up to without the need to spend a lot of time crafting an entire post on the subject. You just say what's up and leave it at that.


    ** Facebook **


     It is a place to communicate with friends and family, to share photographs or funny links you find on the Web, to play social games like Farmville or Mafia Wars, search for long-lost friends or even chat interactively with your friends.
    Facebook allows you to maintain a friends list and choose privacy settings to tailor who can see what on your profile, to upload photos and maintain photo albums that can be shared with your friends, supports interactive online chat and the ability to comment on your friends "walls" in order to keep in touch or just say 'hi' and supports groups and fan pages, allowing businesses to effectively use Facebook as a vehicle for social media marketing.


    Facebook is a great way to meet friends and keep up on what they are doing. Once you add a friend to your Facebook friend list you will always know when they are adding things to their blog or updating their profile. Join Facebook groups to meet people like you, or browse the profiles to find new friends. Facebook's classmates and co-worker search is good for finding friends too.

                                                            Create a Facebook Page!!..   


    Teach Your Child their ABCs

     The ABC’s are the fundamental blocks of learning for children getting ready to get their feet wet in the educational pool.
    The repetition of lyrics and melodies are enticing to young children and this is excitement for them. Kindergarteners alone spend three hours a day learning through song or poems.
    Main points to address:
    • Use flash cards regularly.
    • Have fun.
    • Take every opportunity to sing the ABC song.
    • Purchase fun materials to incorporate the ABC’s.
    ResourcesResources that can help you in your venture include: