lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

** Hi5 **

You can show information such as interests, age and hometown and upload pictures where your friends can post comments. Hi5 also allows you to create personal photo albums, play online games, and set up a music player in the profile, also send friend requests via e-mail to other users, in your profile or your friends profile you can comment anything you want to say and to share with others.

Hi5 is a social networking website targeted at a general audience. It became one of the most popular social networks through a huge growth spurt during 2007 with much of that popularity coming from Central America. While it is often found in the top 10 most visited websites in the world, it often fails to make the top 50 in the U.S.

The site gets its name because members can choose to give their friends a high-five. Fives are a way to describe your relationship with your friend. You can give out warrior fives, crush fives, teammate fives, swank fives, and many more.

Hi5 is a great social network for those in Central America or who have friends or family in Central America. Because it is not as popular in the United States, others might not find as many friends on the network. But, if you know people on Hi5, it is a fine social network to join.

  • Create your own custom profile
  • Add Friends, leave comments on their profiles and give them high-fives.
  • Join groups and enter discussions
      Register in Hi5!!!.

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