viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

TAGGED.COM is simply Tagged: online social network that differs from all others. You and customize your profiles!  This interesting site immerses us in a network that is easy to enter: just takes an email address. Tagged contains many easy to use options within, and not accumulate as many as given to Facebook and Hi5. In this section, is similar to Google's social network, Orkut. However, it is distinguished mostly by the speed with which lets you upload photos, go to profiles, send messages and complete personal profile fields.

In addition, the registered user has other useful buttons on the top of the profile screen, such as Profile (Profile), Friends (Friends), Messages (messages), among others.  It is worth adding that user profiles are not as public and other category pages Tagged.  There is an option to make the private profile that only friends see it, and to add the person as a friend, you must know at least your email address or last name.
 Tagged is a social network is strong growth. . While not the most popular, it is one of the most comfortable online networks to meet people there. is the 3rd largest social network USA, with more than 80 million members worldwide. ¿Porqué usar Tagged? Why use Tagged?  Tagged members use to keep in touch with friends and make new friends, like Facebook, but is more like Hi5.
To create a Tagged account will follow the following steps:

1. Go to the homepage Tagged .
 2. Once you're on the home page you will see in the right corner is a small form as shown in the image that must be completed:
tagged Como crear cuenta
 3. Go to your inbox hotmail or because you have to activate your account as you say the image:

encuentra amigos tagged 300x124 Como crear cuenta
 And that was it, how you see the create an account is easy, and just need to invite the rest of your friends to stay connected. 

create your tagged count!!..
where I find the information!!

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